We understand the challenges of health and fitness. It can be a daunting task, leaving you struggling to find the time, motivation and knowledge of exercise and nutrition. Then of course there are the health clubs often an intimidating and impersonal environment for anyone.

Russell Wynter
Russell is a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified Master Trainer, Certified Personal Trainer with over ten years of experience helping clients lose weight, improve sports performance and live overall healthier lives. He also holds NASM advanced specializations in Corrective Exercise, Performance Enhancement, Golf Fitness, MMA Conditioning, Fitness Nutrition, Behavior Change, Senior Fitness, Women's Fitness, Youth Fitness, and Group Personal Training.
Russell was the recipient of the 2015 NASM Master Trainer of the Year award. His love for fitness started at a young age as a stand out sprinter throughout school in N.Y. Russell started his career in health and fitness 10 years ago with one of the largest fitness club chains in Arizona as a personal trainer; eventually running his own training department. His passion for helping others reach their goals led him to start his own company, Madsweat with his partner Crystal.
One of Russell’s greatest success stories is helping a client to lose 138 pounds in 13 months. With his client's determination to reach her goal and Russell’s focus on progressively adjusting all aspects of the training program they were able to achieve amazing results. Russell doesn’t believe in quick fixes! It takes dedication and hard work to reach your goals!
Along with helping clients lose weight, Russell also helps clients improve sports performance and increase their overall fitness. He will give you the accountability and motivation you need whatever your fitness goals, current fitness levels or exercise experience. Working with Russell will dramatically improve your workouts and help you achieve results you never thought possible!
- Over 10+ years of experience
- NASM Master Trainer (#1470114)
- NASM Certified Personal Trainer (#1422176)
- NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist (#1488586)
- NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist (#1388997)
- NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist (#1454717)
- NASM Golf Fitness Specialist (#1446230)
- NASM Group Personal Training Specialist (#1470127)
- NASM Behavior Change Specialist (#1501202307)
- NASM MMA Conditioning Specialist (#1507993)
- NASM Weight Loss Specialist (#1514338)
- NASM Youth Fitness Specialist (#1170092649)
- NASM Woman's Fitness Specialist (#1170093524)
- NASM Senior Fitness Specialist (#1170092768)
- NASM Customized Integrated Injury Prevention Program (#1381464)
- dotFit Fit Pro
NASM Master Trainer of the Year (2015)
Favorite Quote:
“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bulls*** story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it” – Jordan Belfort
Crystal Reeves
The dedication, sweat, and tears of being an athlete turned into a career of helping others accomplish their goals. Crystal is a professional, personal trainer who develops programs not just workouts to help you reach your fitness goals.
Crystal is a Master Trainer certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). She has a B.A in Exercise Science and Health with an emphasis in coaching. In addition, to being a Certified Personal Trainer she holds advanced specializations from the NASM as a Corrective Exercise Specialist, Performance Enhancement Specialist, Golf Fitness, MMA Conditioning, Senior Fitness, Women’s Fitness Specialist and Fitness Nutrition Specialist.
She seeks to not only design a program to help you reach your goal, but to make sure you are moving better and making fitness an enjoyable part of your lifestyle.
A lifelong athlete, Crystal was a multi-sport high school athlete, collegiate athlete and now continues with races/events such as Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, Pat’s Run etc to keep that competitive edge. She loves to hit the tennis court and yoga mat. Outside of exercise, like any woman she can shop till she drops. Most of her time though is filled by a busy 6 year old!
If you are serious about reaching your fitness goals, Crystal will develop and help you implement a plan to get you there. She asks, If you don’t start today when will you?
- Over 8 years of experience
- B.A. in Exercise Science & Health
- NASM Master Trainer (#1470113)
- NASM Certified Personal Trainer (#1438056)
- NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist (#1377120)
- NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist (#1484751)
- NASM MMA Conditioning Specialist (#1170098454)
- NASM Golf Fitness Specialist (1170093489)
- NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist (#1454650)
- NASM Women’s Fitness Specialist (#1456440)
- NASM Senior Fitness Specialist (1170092749)
- NASM Behavior Change Specialist (#1501207065)
- NASM Weight Loss Specialist (#1513601)
- NASM Youth Exercises Specialist (1514502)
- dotFit Fit Pro
Favorite Quote:
"Fear is what stops you... courages is what keeps you going." -Unknown
Erica Lyons / Acupuncture
Erica is a board-certified licensed acupuncturist. She received her master's of science in oriental medicine from the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture. Erica has been practicing acupuncture in the Scottsdale area since 2016. 'What I value most about what I do is seeing people gain freedom from the ailments that may be holding them back from achieving goals or just doing everyday life with more ease and comfort'.
Her practice involves blending traditional wisdom with modern scientific understanding. She combines her deep knowledge of anatomy and physiology with my training in Eastern medicine to achieve healing and restore the body and mind. She is a results-driven practitioner and values nothing more in her practice than seeing her clients on the path to wellness!
What happens to your body when you get acupuncture?
Circulation, inflammation, chemical/hormonal, and immune regulation are some processes positively affected by acupuncture. Through gentle stimulation of the peripheral nervous system, tissues become nourished, and inflammatory factors are regulated. Endorphins, our natural pain killers, are released with treatment which results in pain reduction. In short, acupuncture's effect on the higher brain centers encourages the body to homeostasis.
Whether you are seeking faster recovery from workouts, injury prevention, or are dealing with a more serious condition such as acute or chronic pain, sleep disturbance, digestive upset, headache, stress, anxiety, or immune disorder, as well as a host of other conditions acupuncture therapy can offer the solution!
14358 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd,
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Suite 16